Internationalization of EthHub
The purpose of Ethereum is to be a decentralized network that is open to anyone to use, build upon, develop, and maintain. Currently, nearly all documentation and resources for Ethereum are written in English. In order for the Ethereum community to become truly global, it needs to become more accessible to those who do not speak English. EthHub can play a vital role in this process. This page was created to plan the roadmap for translating EthHub into multiple languages.
How Can I help?
Start by reading the plan below.
If you are interested in helping, please join the EthHub Discord and request to join the group.
Head over to this page to learn how get started.
General plan
This plan was the original outline for translating EthHub. Updates to this plan are needed.
Target Audiences
- Spanish
- Chinese
- Hindi
- Arabic
Funding would be necessary to incentivize and compensate the translators.
Translating EthHub is going to be no small feat especially when it comes to maintainence. It would be nearly impossible to actively translate every pull request as they are submitted. It makes more sense to create checkpoints or editions for the international versions of EthHub. This would allow us to carefully plan and review the required materials to be included and translated.
Formalizing English edition
The EthHub community will need to go through the entire site and determine what information needs to be written, edited, and reviewed before it is handed over to the translators. By creating editions instead of sister sites, we won't have to aim for a moving target. It may be appropriate to create a branch of the Github repo dedicated to each edition.
Translating into target languages
There are two ways we can go about translating the materials: recruit and fund each translation team or place bounties on each page and rely on individual contributions.
Place bounties for translating each section
After the English edition is finalized, a translation branch could be made for each language and a bounty could be placed for each section or page. Gitcoin bounties would be used to place bounties for translating each EthHub page, page section, and/or graphic. Individual contributors could translate each page and claim the bounty. One downside to this method would be that it would still require editors to oversee each bounty and review that the translation is refined.
Recruit and fund translation teams
Teams of contributors could be selected and funded to oversee the translation of the entire translation process. Milestones or bounties could be created to distribute the funding. The team members would also review one another's work.
Publication and Distribution
Since we're going through the effort to formalize editions, we could publish the work.
- The editions could be published to IPFS
- We could partner with universities in target regions to distribute digital and/or physical copies
- Physical copies could potentially be printed and sold to support future editions and new languages